Those that carry the Helper flag are chosen from volunteers to assist new players to Aardwolf. They do various tasks such as retrieve corpses for people that may have died in hard-to-reach areas or to aggressive mobs and answer general questions. Although they can't give out puzzle solutions or take you to your quest target, they may give advice or directions to aid reaching an area.
Helpers are here to aid new players in becoming self-reliant. Thus, they will often suggest hints or help files rather than giving a direct answer. Do not ask for direct help on quests or to 'just tell me the answer'; this is not their purpose and will not help you once you have left the Newbie channel. Asking for spellups on the newbietalk channel won't help, either; anyone on this channel (that could give more than a few spells) is not allowed to do so.
Similarly, if you have asked a Helper for assistance in corpse retrieval or some other matter and they ask you to do something, they are trying to help you; please don't be suspicious if they ask you to make your corpse lootable or the like.
In order to become a Helper, a player must have reached their third mort on Aardwolf and have been playing at least 350 hours on the game. This helps establish a good overall knowledge of the game. Players will first join the Helper team at the Advisor rank. Players wishing to apply for an Advisor flag should read HELP ADVISOR POLICY and HELP ADVISOR SPONSORS.
Our current team consists of the following: