Item Check And Destroy
if isplayer(ch) then
if taskopen(ch,shaegoal,shaetasknumber) then if carries(ch,"shae-1") and carries(ch,"shae-2") and carries(ch,"shae-3") and carries(ch,"shae-4") then local count1 = countitems(ch,"shae-1") local count2 = countitems(ch,"shae-2") local count3 = countitems(ch,"shae-2") local count4 = countitems(ch,"shae-2") if count1 >= 2 and count2 >= 2 and count3 >= 2 and count4 >= 2 then sayto(ch,"Nice job, I'll take those items.") destroy(ch,"shae-1",LP_ONEONLY) destroy(ch,"shae-1",LP_ONEONLY) destroy(ch,"shae-2",LP_ONEONLY) destroy(ch,"shae-2",LP_ONEONLY) destroy(ch,"shae-3",LP_ONEONLY) destroy(ch,"shae-3",LP_ONEONLY) destroy(ch,"shae-4",LP_ONEONLY) destroy(ch,"shae-4",LP_ONEONLY) completetask(ch,shaegoal,shaetasknumber) addtask(ch,shaegoal,shaenexttask) sayto(ch,"Now, on to your next task!") else sayto(ch,"You have all four items, but I need two of each, which you don't have.") return end else sayto(ch,"You do not have all four of the items i need") return end else sayto(ch,"I'm not interested in that at the moment.") end end
If you have multiple items with consecutive keys, you can use a for loop to reduce typing:
-- Delete objects petstore-3, -4, .. -9 local i = 0 for i=3,9 do destroy(ch,"petstore-"..i,LP_CARRIEDONLY) end