Simple Icefall 1

Basic Epic info.

Always pay attention to Leader commands.
DO NOT do commands before the Leader orders you to.
When you die, spellup, heal, get back to area as fast as possible.
Segments can be timed. So if a Leader says to return, stop what you are doing and get back as fast as possible.
Go read, it has all the general info you'll need to run an epic.
If this is your first run of this epic or you just aren't comfortable with it, tell the Leader. They can slow down a bit and also make sure you are keeping up.

Meet in Icefall. There are 4 segments to a run. Traditionally it is run West side since it's the most difficult. Order doesn't matter and can change depending on who is Leader.
You will need to have a minimum of 5k mana to complete this epic.

West Side

West side is Pacman. Meet at far west side, in the center. Leader will run around the map and collect stuff. Occasional fights will happen. Just pheal while being dragged around. There are other mini-games you'll be dragged through, just pheal and if you can't, make sure you eat heal pills or you'll die. There is a boss fight at the end. Leader will give final command "energize fountain".

East Side

East side is Ice Slider. Meet at far east side, in the center. Leader will run around map and do stuff. Occasional fights will happen. More mini-games. You can pheal while sliding/moving. Eat pills to heal when casting is suppressed and quaffing is disabled. Leader will give final command "energize fountain".

North Side

North side is Chutes. Meet far north side, in the center, then go up. This is just a long stretch of rooms with mobs in them. Leader will drag you along and call out which mobs to target. Final fight is at the end. Leader will give final command "nod" or say "yes"

South Side

You will be placed in the center of Icefall after doing north sides command, run 2s and Leader will give command "forge (extreme/hard/normal)" depending on what difficulty of run it was.

South side is final boss Talon. Leader will give command "ascend pillar" to enter. You will need to have 5k mana to join. It's a final boss fight. Fight, flee if below 50%, pheal. Follow Leaders directions. Leader will give final command "pull lever"

You will die and it is important for you to get back. Below are how to get back into each section.
West side. Return to the start room of that section. You'll have to wait until the section is complete. Leader will give command "Join Late"
East side. Return to the start room of that section. You'll have to wait until the section is complete. Leader will give command "Join Late"
North side. Return to the start room of that section. You'll have to wait until the section is complete. Leader will give command "Join Late"
South side. Return to the start room of that section. Command to rejoin is "ascend pillar". You will need 5k mana to enter.