Quest Points
Quest points are extremely important in Aardwolf. Using quest points, you can:
Wait, before you read the good stuff, read this: Except for the end of your first mort you need 800 or 1000 quest points at the end of each mort to Superhero, which you must do before you remort. Remeber to set some aside.
- Buy high-powered weapons and armor ('help questitems')
- Buy wishes to enhance your character ('help wishes')
- Convert to trivia points to raise gold, enhance weapons, rename items, and several other things ('help tpspend')
- Superhero and remort - 800 or 1000qps per remort ('help superhero')
- Bid on other people's quest equipment in remort auctions ('help rauction')
- Get married ('help marriage')
There are several ways to gain quest points:
- Doing standard quests ('help quest')
- Donating money to help keep Aardwolf running ('help donate')
- Taking part in global quests ('help gquest')
- Winning lasertag ('help lasertag')
- Taking part in campaigns each level ('help campaign')
- Taking part in special quests and competitions that are posted to the Mudinfo board when available.
- Selling items on remort auction ('help rauction')