
 Spiral (Sn: 318) (Skill)

(:help spiral:)


 Thief               Level : 181


Spiral is similar to Circle, but hits multiple times.

Note: The following assumes that you have no instinct. With instinct, spiral may hit more times than indicated below.

Spiral lands a number of hits, based on DEX and LUCK. Each stat contributes hits separately from the other. That is, your LUCK stat does not affect the number of hits due to DEX. Likewise, your DEX stat does not affect the number of hits due to luck. The maximum number of hits is 7, barring instinct.

 Number of hits due to DEX:

 Your DEX     # hits
 ----------   ------
   0 to  49        1
  50 to 149        2
 150 to 299        3
 300 to 600        5

 Number of hits due to LUCK:

 Your LUCK    # hits
 ----------   ------
   0 to 149        0
 150 to 299        1
 300 to 600        2

Using this information, it's easy to predict the number of hits. Simply consider your DEX and LUCK, and add together the number of hits due to each.

Unless you've really mis-trained your stats, the following are essentially true by the time you can use spiral:

  • If your DEX and LUCK are both 300 or higher, spiral will hit 7 times.
  • If your DEX is 300 or higher, but your LUCK is less than 300, spiral will hit 6 times.
  • If your DEX is less than 300, but your LUCK is 300 or higher, spiral will hit 5 times.
  • If your DEX and LUCK are both less than 300, spiral will hit 4 times.

Spiral's damage-per-hit is determined by STR and DEX. It is not affected by LUCK.

Each hit deals roughly 85% the damage of the previous hit, with some random variation thrown in for spice.

On average, the total damage dealt should be approximately:

  • ~4.5 times the damage of the initial hit (7-hit spiral)
  • ~4.2 times the initial hit (6-hit spiral)
  • ~3.8 times the initial hit (5-hit spiral)
  • ~3.2 times the initial hit (4-hit spiral)

Spiral's damage type is the same as your main-hand weapon's damage type; therefore all resistances, vulnerabilities, and immunities will apply to spiral exactly as they would apply to your normal melee attack.

Spiral is a no-fail skill. It doesn't miss. Its damage output depends on the thief's proficiency in the skill, as well as the thief's damage roll and stats.